Our acorn-shaped birdhouse has been designed for small garden birds such as wrens. It has an entrance hole of just over 3cm which is great for allowing access as well as helping to keep larger species from taking advantage of the house.
Putting your birdhouse up early in the season is key to ensure curious birds can investigate the house as soon as they are ready to nest, which can be very early in spring.
Attach the birdhouse on a tree or wall, at a height of up to 2m (approx 6.6ft) or place in a well-hidden spot between dense bushes or ivy plants.
Quiet and sheltered spots are ideal and not in the direct sunlight. But be sure to create an obstacle-free approach for the birds.
Many smaller garden birds such as wrens are cavity-nesting birds and although they are regular visitors to the majority of British gardens they, unfortunately, suffer a decline during prolonged, severely cold winters. Pop-up a bird box and help them out.